Sunday 14 June 2020

Self-Isolation Vinyl Fest #6 - Speaking In Tongues - Talking Heads

The first thing that struck me was the percussive sound and the use of synthesizers. In fact, it was heavily studio-produced, but the music still feels alive.

It's quite poppy, but it has lots of different layers and influences, so it should appeal to quite a diverse audience.

My favourite is 'Slippery People' (Side A, Track 4). (There's an interesting live soul version of this done by the Staple Singers:

The album was promoted in the famous 'Big Suit' concert:

I like the geometric artwork, as well as the colours and the handwritten notes. This was done by David Byrne, who had a bit of an ego, apparently!

The two backing singers (Nona Hendryx and Dolette McDonald) are worth listening to on their own, both having great careers - even though they managed to spell Dolette McDonald's name incorrectly on the LP!

Listen to the full album here!

Unusual embossed symbol!

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